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Bullet Journal 2021-02-16 Tuesday

- Posted self pic on Discord and Gravatar for birthday
- Seth from FoL commented that I don't look shy and seem like very happy person
- He has been asking some personal questions about me and my girlfriend, but okay so far
- Wazza only other from FoL to wish me happy birthday
- Scruffy and some others from Mistborn Clan also wished me happy birthday
- Getting back into fitness routine
- Made it to Grand Colo in SINoALICE this morning
- Tee (our leader for SINcere guild) had contacted me, which I felt guilty about
- Let them know I can make it for this one and next one, but going to miss another after that
- Expecting important meeting for [REDACTED] next week
- Need to help nieces write thank you cards
- Discovered music group The Material
- Feel lost on [REDACTED] project
- Unsure what's most important aspect to work on next
- Feeling interested in political discussions on Discord servers
- Political discussions were stopped on LGBT server for FoL
- Still continue on Mafia Colosseum server
- Phraze and Osie are prominent speakers
- Gorta made series of comments
- Unsure whether I want to ever try commenting on political topics
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