
Showing posts from May, 2022

Bullet Journal 2022-05-30 Monday

Busy days filled with work and errands and organizing Didn't realize almost full week since last blogged Finished reading Skyward by Brandon Sanderson Rated 5 stars Man, Brandon Sanderson is such a great writer. Even his sci-fi is superb. I wasn't sure whether I'd like this as much as his other works, but I was captivated. This did feel a bit lighter because I think this was geared towards a young adult audience. But in some ways I liked that. And it still feels like it has such a backstory coming up. I can't wait to find out more! Continuing with Starsight next Logging into Lost Ark daily, but not really playing much Still not socializing

Bullet Journal 2022-05-24 Tuesday

Certain person bringing me down as usual Going to try not letting it affect me too much Trying not to let anger overtake me Trying not to let myself dwell on unfairness So much unfairness in life when you think about it Made quick mindmap of things I should focus on Got to take little steps Thinking about how I feel when I see things in the social realm Find that I'm too judgmental at times Trying to be more empathic Training myself to realize that there is so much I don't know Lots of stories I've been reading have that element to them When I dwell on how the world is so confusing and sheer madness, I get depressed Trying to train myself to just accept this as how things are To learn to navigate in this situation Need to become anti-fragile Reading good stories helps Eager to continue with Skyward Other day found myself really lucky for double checking something Someone made a mistake that would have cost me a lot of frustration I almost didn't bother checking because

Bullet Journal 2022-05-23 Monday

Things are actually pretty good today, but just feeling a little depressed? Not sure what to do with myself Feeling kind of anti-social still What's going on? What's the best thing to do now to move forward? Been thinking a lot about needing to focus on the big picture Need to discover what life is asking of me Need to move forward on this even if everything else gets in the way New life ahead? How will it feel? Can I make a good start of it? Started reading Skyward by Brandon Sanderson Already caught me in the prologue Made the assumption this would simply be a story about the daughter of a hero pilot who dies defending their home and now has to live up to his reputation Surprised by the actual premise Watched a little of TL and friends playing Betrayal at House on the Hill on Twitch Still need to reply to Shade Not sure why I'm having trouble with that Playing Lost Ark still Feels kind of lonely in the game Not seeing any sort of chat at all

Bullet Journal 2022-05-19 Thursday

There is a limit to the time assigned to you, and if you don't use it to free yourself it will be gone and never return. — Marcus Aurelius Project PP complete Results came sooner than expected Everything worked out great Some precautions ended up being unnecessary Definitely better than the other way around Lots of little issues popping up Lots of interruptions also Keeping myself from going crazy with all the inputs Should be fine Reminded of the above prayer from Marcus Aurelius Time is limited Need to make the best of things for what matters

Bullet Journal 2022-05-17 Tuesday

Feeling somewhat like my turtle (anti-social) mode now Nothing particularly bad, just lots of inputs or things to think about Feels important to make some good choices on direction now Felt like Neo in the Matrix today Where he was returning to the Matrix for the first time after being freed He was riding in the car and looking at various places around town Mentioned that he use to eat at a particular restaurant Said something about how the noodles taste good there Feel like that as I go around the city here in Taiwan Feel like this isn't real anymore I'm just waiting to return to the "real world" of the US Like I've been living in the Matrix this whole time Started playing Lost Ark recently Playing for short periods here and there Kind of fun, but don't feel fully engaged yet Maybe because I can't fully invest much time in it? Playing on same server as Shade, but haven't told him yet Originally started as Gunslinger, but switched to Glaivier

Bullet Journal 2022-05-14 Saturday

Completed Project AT Nice alternate path came up Took tiring work to pull it through, but ended up successful Project AF will need to be pushed back somewhat, but should be fine Continuing to read Harrow the Ninth Currently 37% done Becoming more interesting again Feeling better

Bullet Journal 2022-05-12 Thursday

Finished reading Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman last week It was interesting to read these stories from Norse mythology. I didn't really care for them much, but still good to know the background, which was why I wanted to read this. The actual storytelling was probably as good as it could get for these stories. Trying to return to reading Harrow the Ninth May look for something else

Bullet Journal 2022-05-11 Wednesday

Project AP became much simpler than I expected 🙂 Reviewed documentation again carefully Found where I had made a wrong assumption last year Everything is actually working out as best as possible Found out Shade lost his older brother last year Watched him play Ori some, which he had played with his brother before Very beautiful game with enchanting soundtrack Feel like things are coming together Attempting to keep positive attitude regardless of setbacks Think of how others go through similar or worse Hope for way to help others more in the future

Bullet Journal 2022-05-10 Tuesday

Project PP almost complete Mostly went smoothly Small hiccup discovered afterwards, but correctable Still need to wait for final results Need to focus on Project AP now Some parts are confusing Many steps involved, going to be stressful Need to rely on someone frustrating to work with Joined 2nd Secret Palpatine game on FoL Hiring SM on Fiverr to make FoL Archive searchable Google, Yandex, and Bing have all given disappointing results SM is moving everything into a database

Bullet Journal 2022-05-07 Saturday

Things are so-so Some worrisome things have passed just fine Things are looking more positive for the future Posting this late since I never got around to writing more

Bullet Journal 2022-05-03 Tuesday

Sometimes I want so badly to complain Especially about an injustice or unfairness But if the complaining does nothing, should I? If it is just venting? Or is it better to endure in silence? I know the frustration has to be released But perhaps other forms of release like meditation are better than venting Often when dwelling on unfairness in my head, I find myself just going in circles and circles Why do some people with insecurities choose to take them out on others? While other people learn to become more empathic towards others? As I've lived life, I feel I've become better at seeing things through the eyes of others Even when I don't necessary have the same exact problems or to the same degree, my imagination is developed enough where I feel I can picture what it must be like Sometimes I feel this strongly enough that it makes me cry Sometimes I even worry about thinking on such things too long since it can hurt my soul Continuing to watch Shade's gaming streams wit