
Showing posts from May, 2021

Bullet Journal 2021-06-01 Tuesday

Uninstalled Pixel Starships Uninstalled Age of Magic Not playing SINoALICE for now, but keeping it installed just in case I need to help out Interested in learning to use Blender Would be great to create character models Interested in trying out play-by-post RPG Joined Discord server called The Mute Mage Someone starting up new game for 5 players, but supposedly fast-paced Going to keep an eye out for an opportunity that might fit me May have time to work on FM training Completed project ZL Turned out even more complicated than I expected Results seem really good though May need a few adjustments yet Realized Foster hasn't contacted me for a while CRich got himself temporarily banned again on FoL He seems to get worked up easily during games He realizes his own faults, but can't seem to change He's never really discussed this with me in our PMs, so I haven't asked Vulgard replaced into a game at FoL Kind of wish I could join as well Might be tempted to do so if another

Goodbye SINcerity

Well, I hadn't planned on saying much for goodbyes before leaving SINcerity, but then thought I should after TeeQuake mentioned me in the guild announcements. I'm actually feeling sadder than I expected.

Bullet Journal 2021-05-31 Monday

Grand Colo done in SINoALICE, so free to leave Clan Wars done in Age of Magic, so free to leave Ellibereth asking how he can help Const finally contacted me back His family all got COVID Sounds like other difficulties also Finished Fugitive Telemetry Book 6 of Murderbot Diaries Rated 4 stars Fast-paced and interesting throughout Not quite as good as previous ones, but satisfied my need for more Murderbot 🙂 Noted how Murderbot talks in probabilities all the time Exhausting weekend helping nieces Community FM game coming up for FoL Lots of rain lately Some relief for our drought situation

Bullet Journal 2021-05-30 Sunday

Already see that Pixel Starships probably won't be that great long-term Heard Japanese version of SINoALICE later got skin feature Tempting to be able to change to any other skin for same job Not sure if that's enough to keep me playing It shouldn't be Also had thought about switching colo time slot Again probably shouldn't be enough to keep me playing Reading Fugitive Telemetry Has a lot of the same feeling as previous books Worried that the author might overuse sarcastic humor So far not bad

Bullet Journal 2021-05-29 Saturday

Still liking Ayoa for mind maps and now Kanban Works very smoothly Like the styles Like being able to switch board types to view the ideas differently Played Pixel Starships some Played board games with nieces

Bullet Journal 2021-05-28 Friday

Brainstorming grand idea for Discord bot Kind of an MMO with different worlds like Sword Art Online (SAO) World seeds for other theme worlds like ALO and GGO Content can be created by users Servers could be different worlds, or cities within a world Players can move between worlds, but limited somehow Abilities and items would be morphed depending on the world Boosted servers or servers with more users would have stronger/better things Maybe servers would have relics Relics could be stolen Users can create mini-games within worlds Jumping between servers would be a special adventure somehow Users can create quests Popular content would be promoted Discovered interesting game called Pixel Starships Considering whether to try it out Sounds very detailed Not sure if I'll like the pixel art long-term Might require too much maintenance Getting distracted like crazy today We won GC today in SINoALICE

Bullet Journal 2021-05-27 Thursday

Told SINcerity that I need to quit SINoALICE after GC Found out that Fugitive Telemetry was released already Not sure if I should start that before finishing Oathbringer Probably would be quick read Just love the Murderbot Diaries series! Still need to start the Dixit game on POG 2+2 Tried to do a new level on Arknights Very tough and still need to try again Fun though Need to study my operators more Project SV proceeding well

Messed up with SINcerity

Well, I messed up with SINcerity, my guild in SINoALICE. It's Grand Colosseum now and we usually need everyone to attend. I had my usual alarm set to wake up just before the 5 AM time. Apparently I did wake and even went into the game. But then I must have fallen asleep and woke up again 30 minutes later. I woke to find myself holding my phone and inside the game, but not yet in the GC battle. Which is actually good at least because it would have been worse to have entered the battle yet did nothing. At least not entering meant my character was on auto. Though with the guild we were against, it probably wouldn't have mattered. Oh man, I feel so bad again. Though like I was saying yesterday, perhaps "disasters" like this will make me take action. I'm already thinking that its probably best to use this opportunity to leave the guild and the game. And I just now sent a message to the Lemon Gang, my clan in Age of Magic, about how I need to take a break from that game

Kryptic Radial

I was trying out Ayoa , which is an online mind mapping tool. I especially like how they let you switch between different views. I've been trying out the radial view. I'm using the name Kryptic for my overall combined persona. In a book I've recently been reading, there are entities called Cryptics. Also, I've been intrigued with another close word "cryptid" for mythological creatures. So Kryptic is a good name for this mysterious persona I'm trying to figure out. Then Prime is the name for my IRL persona and Double Prime for my online persona. Then from there I added various aspects of each. I think it's an interesting way to look at who I am. Oh, an idea popped up to maybe use this tool somehow for Forum Mafia . But I'll need to think about this some more. UPDATE: I forgot to jot down these connections I made earlier. Cordylia Valerius = Shallan Psylent Knight = Brightness Radiant Whysper Kitsune = Veil

The Resistance

How is it that every time I feel like I'm ready to make forward progress, the Resistance manifests and keeps me down? It brings about all sorts of obstacles, real and mental. I can't do this. I need to turtle up. Right now I'm on the defensive. Though I started thinking that maybe this is something necessary for progress? Maybe the Phoenix does need to die and be reborn. I was just remembering how I once used the name Phoenix. I think that was my first online name. Because of my uncertain schedule now, I got out of a couple Forum Mafia games I had signed up for. So maybe that's good? Maybe I'm not ready for those? I should be doing something else now? So the Resistance is helping me to narrow things down to the most critical. I think that's happened often in my life. I was trying out a couple new mind mapping tools. I think I might be switching. Actually this one that also has a radial view seems interesting. I was starting to chart out my various personas. I

Temporal stasis

I feel like I'm in a sort of temporal stasis. Or like I'm trying to keep it that way and avoid having time move forward for anything. I get this way often. It's when I'm at a point where nothing major, either good or bad, is occurring and I just want to keep it that way. I don't want to respond to messages. I don't want to do much of anything. Because I know that doing something leads to consequences. Oh, likely everything will be fine, but there's just always that chance that something happens I wasn't expecting. And then maybe it snowballs. Though, of course, I know that doing nothing is really a choice of action as well. And it leads to its own consequences. But somehow that choice is better? Maybe because it feels like I take less responsibility for it? Perhaps. Though I also know that's not true. I'm just as responsible for inaction as action. I have to work this out. I know this is an important step in my self development. And I somehow fee

Icon For Hire - Counting on Hearts

I've been listening over and over to Counting on Hearts from Icon For Hire for the past few weeks. It really evokes feelings in me. A lot of the songs from Icon For Hire are like that. Counting On Hearts I'm counting on hearts like yours to keep me burning To keep me up 'til two in the morning You be bright when I'm starting to rust You be why behind the what I'm counting on hearts like yours to help remind me Keep ignoring the white noise behind me Don't ever let them water me down I'm counting, I'm counting on you now Oh I remember that feeling, I must be dreaming Am I just wasting our time? Feel like I'm feeding you lines Nothing left to say Losing fire and growing tired, uninspired But I will never let go Never let up my hold 'Cause I know Once you feel it you can't unfeel it, Once you dream it you can't undream it I'm counting on hearts like yours to keep me crazy To rough me up 'til nothing can phase me Will you tell me whe

Bullet Journal 2021-05-24 Monday

Feel listless this morning Dannex joined Dixit game on 17th Shard I assumed thread was going to get lost I can still do this game if get 2 more players Couple other players left Age of Magic I feel bad leaving at same time, so I'll wait a little

Bullet Journal 2021-05-23 Sunday

Posted thread for Dixit on POG 2+2 Gabethebabe replied that it's been played on POG 2+2 Not sure how to take that reply Searched and did find a few previous games in past years That's promising sign I should have thought to search the forums for past games AmazingErvin replied that they never played but would give it a try Ellibereth helping with FM training I want to post more about this later He's good at pushing me some to do the exercises I want to take it seriously, but also sometimes feel lazy

Bullet Journal 2021-05-22 Saturday

I guess I skipped more days than I thought I did mange to do another audio transcribing while walking this morning Situation still ongoing in Taiwan Everyone is definitely wearing masks everywhere Required to check in each location through either mobile phone or signin sheet People passing around info a lot on social media Seems like too much sometimes, or rather just the same things over and over But good that people are taking things seriously Anyone who breaks the rules gets shamed on news and social media People getting fined large amounts for intentionally giving false info Also still drought situation in Taiwan Kind of annoying that they are happening at the same time Trying to keep clean and wash hands consistently is hampered by needing to save water Sounds like drought getting more serious since we've still had very little rain Taiwan economy at risk due to both drought and COVID Posted Dixit game on 17th Shard Worried at first that absolutely no one would respond Finally

Bullet Journal 2021-05-19 Wednesday

Taiwan has switched to online classes for all schools Good to do a lockdown earlier than too late Daily increase of infections were less yesterday than the day before Listening to Bookworm podcasts recently 114: Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke 115: A World Without Email by Cal Newport 116: The Art of Witty Banter by Patrick King 111: Discipline Equals Freedom by Jocko Willink Some people just always need something to complain about J frustrates me They don't seem to understand that their approach makes matters worse Biggest hypocrite I know


I haven't been posting my profile pic changes in recent months when I really had wanted to keep up with that. Recently I've been using pics of Aeolian from WLOP's artwork. I just love her. 🙂 Also found a really appropriate background banner for me. 🙂 And just because I don't know that I ever posted the signature I've been using, here it is. That phrase comes from the Mistborn series.

Installed Arknights again

I installed Arknights again and just finished going through notifications. My friend Scruffy is forcing me to play. Keeps badgering me about it. 🙂 I don't really notice anything different. In fact, it almost looks like they are repeating some events from when I last played. Anyway, I'll give this a try for a bit and see how it goes. I did buy the monthly pack. UPDATE: Haha, I was playing a bit on auto and nodded off. My main hero Chen then asked if I fell asleep. Haha, so funny. 🙂

Audio transcribing

Okay well I had this idea yesterday that for blogging I could try using the transcribing from audio on my phone. Then I would just fix it up a little bit later before posting. It might be easier just to get my thoughts out initially through this audio instead of trying to type them up. Sometimes I'm not in a position where I can really easily type up things but I could probably talk along the way, like as I'm walking. So I'll give this a try a little bit and see how it goes. Just another experiment. 🙂 I feel like I have plenty of ideas that I really want to just get out. Often I think about them when I'm walking along during my daily walks. So this probably will work out pretty nicely. I can't think of where I thought about this idea but I'll just give it a try. So this is the first post using that method. 🙂

Lost at sea

I feel so lost at sea. When I look around, I see both islands and rocky formations. It seems like the islands may offer safety and comfort, but I can't be sure. And there are so many obstacles on the way. So many dangerous rocks. And creatures. How do I know which direction to take? Is there no lighthouse to offer me hope? Will a ship come by to save me? Do I want to be saved? Perhaps floating about on the sea is my nature. I don't want to be trapped on a ship. I don't want to be confined to an island.

Bullet Journal 2021-05-17 Monday

Added images to Forum Mafia History 2020 Decided against moving my FM history to Play-By-Forum COVID situation getting worse in Taiwan Infections now in my city Trust Taiwan to handle the situation Asked Xblade about Patreon perks for  FoL Only want custom forum title Need to think of what I want exactly Found out there is emoji for the Chinese character for secret ㊙ 👁 ❤ ㊙ ♾ ➕1️⃣ ㊙ Listened to interview with Annie Duke on Daily Stoic Poker World Champion Annie Duke On Choosing the Truth Still reading her Thinking in Bets Thinking in probabilities is a promising mental model

Bullet Journal 2021-05-15 Saturday

Growing panic in Taiwan over sudden increase in COVID cases Supermarket crowded with people preparing for stay at home Activities getting cancelled Starting read-accuracy training program with Ellibereth at Mafia451 Getting very hot now Started using AC Considering moving my Forum Mafia history to the Play-By-Forum site

Bullet Journal 2021-05-12 Wednesday

Vulgard found my blog! He wrote a wonderful message to me on Discord Also wrote a wonderful award nomination post on FoL Still processing this surprise event Want to write more later about this Feel both elated and embarrassed/self-conscious Makes me think about how I should write longer posts again once in a while Makes me glad for this blog experiment Miach contacted me again She's been very nice about being concerned about me Wish I had more time to catch up Also wondering about other friends like Scruffy, Archer, Const, and Foster Need to add link to my Play-By-Forum site

Bullet Journal 2021-05-08 Saturday

Ahhh, feel crazy busy! Started Infiltration games on FoL a couple days ago Recently started reading Thinking in Bets Still didn't quit Age of Magic Still think I probably should Project TA had some bumps, but proceeding along again Rained some this week Still need to discuss FBR tool with Jane