Bullet Journal 2021-06-01 Tuesday
Uninstalled Pixel Starships Uninstalled Age of Magic Not playing SINoALICE for now, but keeping it installed just in case I need to help out Interested in learning to use Blender Would be great to create character models Interested in trying out play-by-post RPG Joined Discord server called The Mute Mage Someone starting up new game for 5 players, but supposedly fast-paced Going to keep an eye out for an opportunity that might fit me May have time to work on FM training Completed project ZL Turned out even more complicated than I expected Results seem really good though May need a few adjustments yet Realized Foster hasn't contacted me for a while CRich got himself temporarily banned again on FoL He seems to get worked up easily during games He realizes his own faults, but can't seem to change He's never really discussed this with me in our PMs, so I haven't asked Vulgard replaced into a game at FoL Kind of wish I could join as well Might be tempted to do so if another