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Bullet Journal 2022-11-16 Wednesday
- Why do I let myself get aggravated easily in discussions or arguments?
- I do feel the need to correct people on mistakes
- Yet sometimes that doesn't really matter
- Especially if they aren't really receptive
- Often people have another point to continuing the discussion and don't really care about being correct
- I try to not let myself get clouded by the need to set things right
- I try to tell myself to look at the end goal of a conversation
- To also look at the end goal of a relationship with someone
- Will continuing to correct them help?
- If not, then just let it go
- Feeling so busy and slightly overwhelmed
- Though not too stressed
- Just lots to do and I'm trying to keep moving forward
- Slightly anxious about issues coming up, but doing okay
- This is probably a good state to be in overall
- Need to get more reading in
- Still meditating
- Still putting in time to study
- Still taking time to exercise
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