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Bullet Journal 2021-10-05 Tuesday
- New problems arising in my professional work
- So far probably manageable
- Chatted with Scruffy some last night
- Finally replied to Senate members
- Couple members offered to buy or pilot my account
- My policy has usually been to not sell or even allow someone to pilot my account
- Feel connection to each of my characters, so don't want anyone touching them 🙂
- Started to rethink policy since also a shame to let the investment go to waste
- Maybe it would be nice to let someone pilot the account
- Still won't sell it
- Sorrock going to help shepherd the account
- Friend of Ashra might play the account to be able to join the guild in our timeslot
- She still has main in another timeslot
- Otherwise Shinji was sweet to offer to pilot my account along with her own to help maintain it in case I return
- Felt good to help out FoL with the archive
- Answered some questions people had about what I did
- Chloe might be able to handle future archive based on article I sent
- Helps to just throw myself into replying
- Usually things flow from there
- Feel like a whole other person
- Before that, if I think too much, I get stuck
- Still good to think a little ahead of time of generally how I feel
- But specifics can wait
- Replied to Smaug's Lair game on POG 2+2
- Disappointing because I died early
- My role was really cool too
- Smaug's Spawn with an awesome fire attack that hits everyone in my location
- My ally was Luckbox who could send me messages one-way
- He wrote great messages that were fun to read
- Attacked first player I met since I assumed they might be simple burglar or dwarf
- Unfortunately they ended up being Gandalf with bonus against evil
- Biggest disappointment was not getting to read anymore of Luckbox's messages
- Mafia Colosseum opened up new donation method
- Sent one-time donation for now
- Might just send another one-time donation again later instead of doing monthly
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