Bullet Journal 2022-10-26 Wednesday

  • Regretted getting up this morning
    • Wasn't looking forward to a couple tasks for the day
    • However they ended up going more smoothly than expected
    • Yesterday evening had some troublesome happenings
    • Trying to take them in stride though
    • Everything is for a purpose
    • I will look towards my quest
  • Considering offering to backup game on 17th Shard
    • LG 90 game didn't list any pinch-hitters
    • Looks like a large player list with many new people
    • Could see that there might be need for backup
    • Game on FoL filling slowly
  • Started listening again to song Rise Up by Beyonce
  • Constant struggle not simply letting myself slide into despair
    • Sometimes just so tired of fighting
    • But isn't the struggle what makes us feel life?
    • I can understand that conceptually, but still want to give up sometimes
    • I see more and more that habits and rituals and such are key
    • Action is key
  • Listening to Bookworm podcast
    • Bookworm 148: Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte
    • Second brain idea sounds valuable
    • Tried this somewhat with Evernote
    • Got to be overwhelming
    • Maybe I should consider trying again with another app
    • Need something that will bring ideas back up after a time
    • List 12 problems to solve and review these regularly
    • Helps mind ponder them
