Bullet Journal 2021-04-26 Monday

  • Death City game finished on FoL
    • Went to end game, but lost since I couldn't escape
    • Too trusting of other players like Solic and Apprentice
    • Still had lots of fun relic hunting and such
    • Not sure if I'll play next game from Alice
    • Tempted to play especially since D&D theme
    • Supposedly she'll establish set hours for actions which will help with scheduling
  • Planning to change Forum Battle Royale website to general PBF (Play By Forum) website
    • Possibly will create new website and link to FBR
    • Want to have list of games for PBF with pros and cons for each
    • Considering games like Dixit also
  • Someone from my Mistborn Clan for Mobile Legends contacted me again
    • Still asking about diamonds
    • I can hardly believe it
  • Foster contacted me again just now
    • Discussing responsibilities
    • I feel like I'm always running away from responsibilities by taking on other responsibilities that I shouldn't
    • He asked about introducing him to my online friends
    • Wants to find interesting people to chat with
    • I thought about some options
    • Invited him to the LGBT+ War Server to see how that might be
