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Bullet Journal 2021-09-25 Saturday

- Still snappish?
- Sometimes I have this wild thought that maybe I'm undergoing rehab
- Like maybe I'm in a simulation or reincarnated life
- Maybe I've placed myself or was forcibly placed into this situation
- That I need to learn how to become a better person
- Or maybe that I'm training myself to become ready to take a role with power
- I think I would do that to myself
- Makes sense in order to avoid becoming corrupted by power later
- Should I try out Mobile Legends again?
- Maybe it's a good release?
- Yesterday I finally made headway on a problem
- Wrote out all the various scenarios and results
- That helped see the bigger picture
- Also had thoughts that my life may be like one of those background stories for an evil character
- Like the movie Maleficent
- Where it shows how the character was once good and how they turned evil
- Or maybe they aren't evil but completely misunderstood and thought to be evil
- Sometimes people say those types of stories kind of make evil sympathetic in a harmful way
- I sometimes thought that as well
- Yet I can also see how they do show another perspective worth considering
- Life has lots of gray areas
- I believe less and less in black and white
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