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Bullet Journal 2021-12-30 Thursday
- Continuing to play Mobile Legends
- Vulgard joined my squad
- Played game with Sassy and Cleez
- Their baby is already 2 years old!
- Feel bad for not asking more
- Want to learn new Edith hero
- Continuing to read Elantris
- Saw that they were doing the gift exchange for FoL
- Wanted to join, but felt bad for not doing something creative
- Saw really cool slideshow Min put together for Chloe
- Feel bad about not talking more with Constantyne
- Installed some graphics software on laptop
- Still thinking of best PBF game to host on FoL
- Not sure if Betrayal at House on the Hill will be too complicated
- New BotF game already starting up on FoL
- Timing was perfect to allow me to sign up first as traveller
- Really don't want to be Demon again 🙂
- Chatted with Vulgard again
- Learned that he plays DR roleplaying on Discord
- Works on creative writing for that
- Couple days ago I allowed my anger to get the best of me
- Ended up making mistake
- Mistake was also partially due to neglect at paying attention to responsibilities
- Considering memorizing some Stoic texts
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